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Good God, am I ready for one of my friends inside the computer to hit it lucky. I hope this is it, Lisa.


Yeah, go Lisa!

Julia S

Life for me ain't been no crystal stair...

Man! I love Langston Hughes! Love him! Love him so much. That quote alone should guarantee your IUI success AND your place in fertile heaven- were there any justice in the world. And there most likely is.

Very, very best wishes on a successful day tomorrow.


"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I Love Ya, Tomorrow"

Hope that's not the last song & dance act I do this month! Best wishes & thoughts for you. We are all right there with you, hoping for ONE thing!!


No, it's not too much too ask. *hugs* It's what you deserve and what you should get. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Lisa, you are NOT asking too much. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow.


Lisa, I'm thinking of you today... I have good feelings about it, for whatever that's worth.


Thanks ladies. It helps to have you in my corner.

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