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Don't you just love the chicks with needles? Satan's Spawn, I say...


Ouch!! It amazes me sometimes that they seem to not realize that their screwups HURT like HELL! Sorry you had to deal with that. (btw, found you through Leery Polyp)


I used to have good veins, until my 4th IVF cycle. Then they started playing hide and seek. I like to think it keeps the phlebotomist on their toes.


Oh, how I wish I couldn't relate so well. I am afraid I will end up with lock jaw from the constant clenching. Just wanted to let you know I'm sorry you're going though it too.


I don't know whether they have these at an infertility clinic (it wouldn't make much sense if they did), but I learned a year ago to request a pediatric needle and since then have had such trouble-free blood draws that I have to check and see whether they are actually drawing blood. Because they only poked me once! Impossible.

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