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I'm glad that it went as well as it did. :) Just think - it'll only get better. How'd the boy do?


Sounds like the good outweighed the bad : )


You are doing fantastic.

Is it too soon to ask if you are having a little bit of fun? It's okay--I'll ask again in a couple of weeks and I know you will say yes at that time.

Go get 'em!


And just think--in 3 months when you get your first check it will all be worth it!

Good for you for doing this. Those kids need you, even if they don't know it.


I'm impressed with your level-headedness. Hope the job and that other thing continue to go great. How is the Boy doing with the changes?


Well, you survived and plan to go back next week so that's something, right? How did the boy do?


Ahem. Don't you mean the *Tigers* game?

Nothing like baptism by fire, huh? Hope next week is better--it's got to be, right?

Nadine - Healthifica.com

Just in case you feel like beating your tiredness...


your best moment has me beaming.

hang in there.


Just checking in.

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