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Happy Birthday to the Boy! Time sure does fly, doesn't it:)


Happy Birthday! Wow! TWO!!!


I can hardly believe it's been two years. Happy Birthday, little guy!


Happy birthday, Boy!


Happy Birthday, Boy! Two year olds are a trip, aren't they? They're so infuriating and wonderful and fascinating all at the same time. So happy for your little family that you're all together.


Gads, I forget how close our two are...Bear will be two on Sunday.

Happy Birthday Boy. You'll never understand what your mother went through to get you in her arms...but I'm sure you'll always know her love!

cat, galloping

Man, where did the time go?

Happy birthday, Boy!


Happy Birthday, little Boy!


Two already? My goodness!

Happy Birthday!!



I can barely believe it! Happy Birthday to the Boy!


Happy birthday!

Miss W.

Happy Birthday! Such a fast two years


Happy Birthday, Brooklyn Boy!!! How did the time fly so fast?!?!

midlife mommy

Aw. Happy birthday, sweet boy.


Happy (belated) birthday to the Boy.

(Sorry I missed it but Julie took down her great big blogroll which, I will sadly admit, was where I went to get to all my fave gals. Now I've got you bookmarked though so I'll be around in a timely manner, promise.)

And yes, commenting on a more recent post--typos in professional communications drive me absolutely insane. This from a former editor, now lucky if I remember how to spell my name.


So I don't even know you but found you on a blogroll of a friend. I'm from Brooklyn, BTW... anywho, I write b/c your son is 2 and mine turns 2 this Monday and I'm having a party and somehow it turned into 40+ people at my house and I haven't really "planned" anything. So, did you have a party and, if so, how did you entertain adults and kids for 2 hours -- oh, and did you feed them? HELP!

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