There are some things that my husband and I have not resumed since The Girl's arrival. You know, private things that tend to happen alone in the dark. Since The Girl still sleeps in a bassinet in our room, we are never really alone, but still: it's been awhile.
After a lovely weekend in a quiet and temperate city, it seemed like tonight could be the night to...resume. But then as if on cue, The Girl who had been quietly rocking in her swing woke up, looked at us accusingly, and started to squawk. We tried to calm her down, but it was too late: The Boy heard her crying and woke up hard, screaming the kind of screams that required attention.
We each took a child and rocked and paced and comforted, but when that was all over, it was clear The Girl was going to have to nurse again. Ahem.
Finally, The Boy is sleeping and The Girl is sleeping and The Husband is sleeping, and I am too tired to do anything except end this post.
heh. it could be worse. there could have been a BAT in your closet, a la cecily! yikes.
Posted by: cat, galloping | August 20, 2007 at 06:57 AM
This made me laugh because it was so familiar. Is it sad that my first concern was how long it took you to get your son back to sleep and not what you missed out on?
Posted by: Monica | August 20, 2007 at 10:42 AM
Please know my laughter stems from empathetic recognition, rather than from any amusement at what you missed with hubby. I know from personal experience that it can take longer to resume relations than any of us might wish. (Hope you get another chance soon!)
Posted by: Tonya | August 21, 2007 at 12:44 AM
Oh my! I remember when DH and I would immediately shed all clothes as soon as DD fell asleep for her mid morning nap on Saturdays. I can't imagine trying to do that with two children to occupy. I'd love to try though. Hope the next time works!
Posted by: Heather | August 21, 2007 at 07:15 AM
Gads, I think it was 6 months with both of the girls before we resumed normal...stuff. :) (I wanted to say relations - but doesn't that sound old fashion??)
I hope all the stars align for you soon!
Posted by: Toni | August 21, 2007 at 10:43 AM
Oh heck, I can't even REMEMBER when our bedroom was meant for ... well for THAT! And my babies haven't even made their appearance yet! First IF ruined our romantic life, then a triplet pregnancy squashed any hope of a romantic life (our perinatologist looked my husband in the eye at one of our first appointments when they discovered I had a placenta previa and said, "Yeah, your work here is done... no more of THAT funny business until after the babies arrive, and maybe not for a good long while after that, depending on what your wife has to say about that!"). Heavens!
So I hope you know I'm laughing AT you, but crying WITH you. ;)
Posted by: Karen | August 21, 2007 at 10:54 AM
Sympathy and empathy ... I totally get it.
Posted by: laura | August 21, 2007 at 10:57 AM
Oh, I am feeling you...and I only have ONE. At least she didn't TOTALLY interrupt...or did she? *sigh* All fodder for maternal blackmail later on...;)
Good luck!
Posted by: Mardougrrl | August 23, 2007 at 01:10 PM