More on the hosting dilemma tomorrow. In the meantime, let me repeat the following conversation which just occurred in BrooklynGirl's non-Brooklyn home after a morning in which I had indulged The Boy in his baser pleasures of chocolate milk and a special viewing of The Jungle Book:
The Boy (sighing contentedly): You're the best mama ever.
BG: Thanks, buddy. You're the best boy ever.
The Boy: You know what's even better?
BG: What's that?
The Boy: Dad!
And so it goes.
Posted by: taquita/toni | December 30, 2008 at 10:54 PM
I've got to agree with the previous commenter: Ouch!
Belated Merry Christmas! I hope it was a nice one in the suburbs (minus the goldfish incident).
Posted by: caramama | December 31, 2008 at 01:45 PM
Ha ha, that is so funny. Like they say, kids say the darndest things. I have two set of children. One set is grown and I now have two more little ones. I overheard the youngest say to my 20 year old, your not fat... mommy is fatter. :) Like you said ...and so it goes!
Posted by: Pregnancy | March 02, 2009 at 01:59 AM
Lolz!...He went so straight forward!
well...It shouldn't be like "Ouch" It just a son feelings!
Posted by: Sarah | June 25, 2009 at 04:13 AM
Must say we all face it everyday. Boys will be boys. All in a day's work for a Mum. This is Alice from Israeli Uncensored News.
Posted by: Alice | August 09, 2009 at 12:20 AM