Whenever The Boy, my stomach, and I are out together, someone gestures toward my ever increasing girth and says something like, "You didn't waste any time."
I usually stammer back, "We were surprised." But I don't think that's the ideal response. For one, it makes me sound like I couldn't quite master the concepts of Sex Ed. For another, it doesn't sound sufficiently grateful. For yet another, it's not really true: no, we didn't plot the interception of this particular sperm and this particular egg, but we had met with our RE not one month prior to the appearance of that double line to talk about throwing a soiree for some sperm and some eggs in the near future so it was...on our minds.
When I'm feeling frisky, I say something about the "difficulties" we had conceiving The Boy, which either sends my conversational partner running or prompts them to tell me about how sometimes all you need to do to get pregnant is just "relax and stop trying." Which makes my head explode.
After much sturm und drang, I did wind up selling or giving away a lot of The Boy's newborn paraphernalia last spring so I find myself once again thumbing through my now out of date copy of Baby Bargains and wondering what truly essential items we can't live with out. I didn't enjoy this the first time around, and it's causing just as much angst now.
The sitter continues to pester me about how we absolutely MUST get the au courant double stroller that anybody who's anybody is piloting around the Slope these days, and though I suspect we will eventually give in to this particular item, I was so self-righteous in my rejection of the $600 Bugaboo that it causes me great pain to contemplate spending that much money on a stroller after all. Feh.
I'm scheduled to have a c-section on Friday, June 1st unless I go into labor on my own before then in which case I'll give VBAC a shot. Today is May 14th so that's, um, freakishly, mind bogglingly, unbelievably soon.
Since we don't really have local family, the logistics of plotting this event seem somewhat ludicrous. I keep trying to remember what the days in the hospital were like when The Boy was born, but I can't recall a thing that's not in the pictures. For example, the only meal I recall from my 4 days in the hospital was the turkey sandwich my husband brought me when I was first allowed non-liquid food.* Surely there were other meals? Or did we just sit around and stare at The Boy?
*I realize this is perhaps not the most pressing logistical issue, but it was on my mind today as I waited for an elevator to the antepartum testing unit (for my NST) which is on the same floor as Labor & Delivery, and all the people waiting with me were husbands bringing their post partum wives tasty treats from the outside and comparing notes on who'd been asked to travel the furthest. It was kind of cute in an eye-rolling, only-in-New-York sort of way.